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A brief overview of Rejeb Tayyip Erdogan


RejebTayyip Erdogan has now emerged as one of the boldest leaders in the Islamic world, whose goal is to speak out against the oppression of Muslims around the world.

The leader was born on February 26, 1954. in the home of a poor Coast Guard man in the Istanbul suburb of Qasim Pasha. As a child, he started selling candies and double bread and continued his education. He graduated in 1965 and graduated in 1981 with a degree in Business Administration.

A brief overview of Rejeb Tayyip Erdogan
A brief overview of Rejeb Tayyip Erdogan

Entered politics in 1976. In 1994, he became the mayor of Istanbul. At that time, Istanbul was a city of crime. Tayyip Erdogan made the city crime-free in just two years and solved all the other problems of the people. Istanbul became one of the best cities in the world.

Seeing the construction and development of Istanbul, the people advised him to come forward as the Prime Minister of Turkey and named him after his victory in the 2002 elections. In those days, Turkey was mired in an economic crisis. Tayyip Erdogan has pulled Turkey out of this crisis and put Turkey on the path of progress and stability by taking it out of the real "sick man" state. Turkey's economy became one of the best in the world.

When elections were held in 2007, the Turkish nation re-elected him. He became the Prime Minister of Turkey for the third time in 2011 and then became the strongest President of Turkey. Each time, his love for the people grew stronger than ever.

On the night of July 15, 2016, when a faction of the army announced the imposition of martial law in the country, the coup plot was foiled by the Turkish people by taking to the streets, lying in front of tanks, and sacrificing their lives.

 From time to time Tayyip Erdogan comes up with a plan, a deed, a statement against the Islamic world, and against Aghyar which adds to his popularity and popularity. At the moment, Tayyip Erdogan is considered the most popular and beloved ruler in his country's contemporary history.

Tayyip Erdogan is popular not only in his own country but also all over the world. The reason is that wherever there is talk of oppressed Muslims all over the world, Tayyip Erdogan must be against oppression and in favor of the oppressed. Raises voice

 A recent example is the plight of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar. Rohingya Muslims were being chopped like carrots and radishes in Myanmar. In these circumstances, all the rulers of Muslim countries should have sat together and exercised various options to pave the way for basic human rights and a separate state for Rohingya Muslims, but with the exception of a few, almost all made a few statements. He considered himself innocent.

In such a situation, the most powerful, vocal and strong measures in favor of the oppressed Rohingya and the most important role is played by Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, who called the massacre of Rohingya Muslims genocide and blamed those who remained silent.

 In this regard, he contacted the leaders of many countries of the Muslim world. Aung San Suu Kyi called and condemned the atrocities in the strongest terms and announced that she would not only bear all the costs of all Rohingya refugees arriving in Bangladesh, but also immediately provide assistance to his wife Amina Erdogan, her son and several cabinet members. Sent to Bangladesh, who visited refugee camps and carried out relief activities.

At the OIC meeting in Astana, Tayyip Erdogan spoke out in favor of the Rohingya Muslims. Later, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, addressing the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly said that the Muslim population in Myanmar's Muslim-majority Arakan State was being wiped out.

 Rohingya Muslim villages already living in extreme poverty. They were forced to leave their region and homeland. Rohingya Muslim camps in Bangladesh lack even basic human needs. The Turkish president said that just like Syria, the international community has failed in the Arakan tragedy. Until the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Myanmar is stopped, humanity will have to live a shameful life on another black mark of history.

This is not the first time that Tayyip Erdogan has played a leading role in addressing the oppressed Muslims of the world, but even before that, when Muslims in a region of the world are having a hard time It happens.

 Earthquakes, storms, famines, floods, or a wave of terrorism and Muslim genocide in any Muslim country in the world. Tayyip Erdogan and his team members took the most active, the most active and dynamic.

A brief overview of Rejeb Tayyip Erdogan
A brief overview of Rejeb Tayyip Erdogan

 It was Tayyip Erdogan who hugged the Syrian refugees and reminded them of the "Mohawk of Madinah". In 2012, a wave of violence against Rohingya Muslims erupted in Burma, with Tayyip Erdogan embracing Rohingya victims and sending his wife and government ministers to help find out the plight of Rohingya refugees in Bangladeshi camps. ۔

Following the Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip, the Turkish government, led by Tayyip Erdogan staged violent protests against its old ally Israel. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan boycotted the Davos World Economic Forum after Tayyip Erdogan spoke bluntly with Israeli President Shimon Peres about the details of Israeli crimes. And immediately. Came back.

 On Monday, May 31, 2010, Erdogan once again emerged as a hero in the Arab world, following the martyrdom of nine Turkish citizens in an Israeli attack on a Freedom Flat carrying aid to the Gaza Strip. Following the execution of Jamaat-e-Islami leaders by Bangladesh, the only The Turkish government announced the recall of the Turkish ambassador.

Although Recep Tayyip Erdogan is not the best ruler of the universe. Although it has many strengths, it will have many flaws, but it is safe to say that Tayyip Erdogan is currently the best ruler in Muslim countries. A compassionate Muslim ruler who is kind to the Ummah in word and deed. His actions so far show that if Allah Almighty gives him power, he will unite the Muslim countries on one platform and stand with every weak and oppressor.

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