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Hamas is not a terror organization. Tatab Erdgan

 Hamas is not a terror organization. Tayb  Erdogan.

Hamas is not a terror organization. Tatab  Erdgan
Hamas is not a terror organization. Tatab  Erdgan

 would request you to stay on with us we got some more breaking news and this is coming in from Turkey as the Turkish president Uan has now gone on to say and I'm quoting from the statements that he's made over Hamas he has said that Hamas is not a terror organization, in fact, they are trying to save their people and Homeland and Hamas is a group of Liberation uh they're talking about the Palestinian Liberation is what Erdogan goes ahead and says and let's first take a look at that reaction then we'll go

back to my colleague is not a terrorist organization but they are trying to save their people and their Homeland so Hamas is a group for salvation and also the maps so one of our poets says the following a six-year-old boy runs and its kite flies over the trees and you have a run just like this boy ones do not murder [Music] kids let the clouds not murder people but Israel is murdering kids we have seen the grave situation of those kids and we have seen what they have been doing against those kids so we cannot allow those kids to be

murdered because we indeed hold on to human values I have said this to their prime minister back then in Davos and I have said to them that you also know have to kill because I know how they murdered that kit and the hands of his father and from there on I never visited D Summit abishek continues to be with me abishek this is a huge statement that has been made by the Turkish president Erdogan clearly it is a Western World divided by what their stance has been on the Israel Hamas conflict to what the Muslim world has had to say but calling

Hamas, is not a terrorist organization what will be the global repercussion of this statement by Eran Abishek uh well it doesn't look like the Turkish president is caring much about what the world is going to see or say because just yesterday we had French president Emanuel mcon visiting T meeting Benjamin Netanyahu and both of them expressing solidarity in the fight against terrorism so much so that the French president went ahead and said that he's going to create Coalition uh that will fight the terrorist group

Hamas is not a terror organization. Tatab  Erdgan
Hamas is not a terror organization. Tatab  Erdgan

Hamas uh but before anything any any any formalities could happen on them that front we are seeing another major NATO member of Turkey calling that Hamas is not even a terrorist organization so while the world continues to condemn terrorist attacks on Israel uh there are Partners there are major powers in that region especially turkey uh who does not consider Hamas as a terrorist organization they consider Hamas as a resistance force as a force which has been fighting for a cause a political cause and there are

a certain element of that Force who is going violent uh those the world will have to Grapple up with the fact that uh there is no consensus on the issue especially in the region where the conflict is right now happening it is not the conflict that is happening in Europe so Europe's overall approach on the entire issue may be different but uh the countries who are in the region turkey Iran Syria Iraq UA Saudi they I mean they have an approach they have the idea and their geopolitical uh you know context

will have to be considered before calling Hamas or taking any action against Hamas terrorists all right thank you so much for that Abishek in fact defense expert AK s is also with us on the broadcast now Mr. Cach uh first of all how do you read this statement that's just been made by the Turkish president er duan where he's uh underlining the fact that Hamas is not a terrorist organization it is in fact is fighting for the liberation of Palestine and it is a Liberation group having said that once he makes that statement if he

go back in history PLO was the one Liberation group at that time that was dead against Hamas so how does one read this statement you know as far as Erdogan is concerned the president of Turkey this statement is a very loose statement and one can say um undiplomatic uh statement given by him everyone knows Hamas is a terrorist organization the terrorism which they spear on 7th October on Israel who can forget I agree that there is no definition of terrorism which has been approved by the United Nation but

everyone knows that as far as Hamas is concerned they have been using the civilian they have been attacking on civilians and they have nothing to do with the cause of Palestine they are not representing as far as Palestine concern it is a PLO as far as Hamas is concerned it is a pure terrorist organization and they must be dealt accordingly but what happen is as far as Turkey is concerned it is you know AR is playing to the gallery of the Muslim World it it want to become a Khalifa of a Muslim World it want to challenge the heany of Saudi

Arabia and UAE and that's why is saying that as far as they are concerned AMAS is not a terrorist organization they represent the political will of Palestine that is totally false as far as Palestine is concerned it is the only PL and as far as Hamas is concerned for them the Palestinian do not matter today in Gaja Pati they are making use of the civilian as a human shield they are not bothered as to whether they will be killed or not so I it is a very immatured imbalanced statement given by re Erdogan the

President of Turkey okay Major General thank you so much for joining us on the broadcast the humanitarian crisis works both ways of course there are so many that are being killed in Israel and the numbers are doubled in the Gaza Strip and that is the humanitarian crisis that the UN is now talking about what happens to that is there going to be a ceasefire should be the big question at the moment we are slipping into a very very short break coming right back with lots more


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