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Karnataka Protest against the ban on hijab.



Karnataka Protest against the ban on hijab.


  Karnataka Protest against the ban on hijab. New Delhi: Educational institutions in Karnataka have been closed for three days to quell protests against the hijab ban.

Karnataka Protest against the ban on hijab.
                                          Karnataka Protest against the ban on hijab.

According to Indian media, the Karnataka Chief Minister said in a statement that the decision to close schools and colleges was taken to maintain law and order.

Colleges in Karnataka have banned classes for female students wearing hijab. Protests against the ban have been going on for the past month. Five female students have filed a petition in the Karnataka High Court against the ban on hijab.

Hindu extremist officials say female students will not be allowed to sit in class until they take off their hijabs and return to college.

Extremist attacks on two Muslim centers in France

Boat Geron: The wave of Islamophobia in France is not going away. Anti-Islamic extremists have once again attacked two Muslim centers.

Karnataka Protest against the ban on hijab.
                                               Karnataka Protest against the ban on hijab.

Anti-Islamic sentiment has intensified in France in recent months, with Muslims there repeatedly voicing their concerns and demanding mandatory security for their mosques and Islamic centers.

According to Fars News, in the hot south of southwestern France, unknown miscreants attacked a general store of Muslims, while in another incident in the southern French city of Toulouse, unknown individuals shot the head and skin of a pig in a Muslim center. Killed Threw in front of

Reacting to growing Islamophobia in France, Iran's Islamic Culture and Communication Organization's Center for Interfaith Dialogue recently issued a statement condemning extremist actions against French Muslims, human rights, and French democratic values. Declared a blatant violation. Declared a violation. The statement said that anti-Islamic and anti-Muslim measures were not acceptable in a country that chanted slogans against freedom of expression and human rights.

Maria de Carina, a human rights activist in France, reacted to the growing Islamophobia in the country, saying that racism is found in a planned way in France and that Islamophobia has been promoted in society by enacting certain laws. ۔

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