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G7 countries and China


The 47th G7 Summit was held from 11 to 13 June in the Cornwall area of ​​the United Kingdom. The summit was the focus of the international community, as the G7 is a group of developed and powerful countries, and world history has so far shown that the trends of developed countries in determining the direction and direction of the world and There are priorities? Play an important role.

This means that most backward or developing countries do not have their own thinking, they have to adapt to the thinking of developed countries. After World War II, the world was largely divided into two groups and to some extent three groups.

G7 countries and ChinaG7 countries and China

One was a group of allies of the United States, another was a group of allies of the Soviet Union and a third was a group of countries affiliated with the Non-Aligned Movement, but most of the countries of the Non-Aligned Movement were inclined towards the United States or the Soviet Union. The world was largely divided into two groups.

 At the time, the United States was trying to prove itself the most powerful. In this endeavor, he helped the countries of Western Europe under the 'Martial' plan, NATO was formed.

 The Soviet Union also sought to maintain its supremacy over the United States. That is why he created the Warsaw Pact and the Berlin Wall to make it clear to the world that not only is Germany divided, but the world is divided.

The United States have since sought to oust Fidel Castro in order to end Soviet influence in Cuba. Then the Soviet Union planted missiles there and the time came for a missile crisis. The world escaped Kennedy's wisdom.

The United States had a great opportunity when China's position was weakened by a border dispute with the Soviet Union. The United States began relations with China, and in 1972, US President Richard Nixon visited China.

 The visit changed the position of the United States at that time and paved the way for China to enter a new position. Today, the world remembers 1972. It is not possible to mention the main points of the G-Channel Summit without recalling the reasons for the US-China relationship and the early days of the relationship, because only then has the US complied with the terms. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union. So he was very satisfied. That is why it has embroiled itself and its allies in wars and allowed countries like China and Russia to take advantage of the situation.

Today, the situation is such that China is expected to overtake the United States as the number one economic power by 2028. Obviously, this situation will not be better for the United States or the world, because regardless of that, American policy is nothing. Criticized, it cannot be denied that it has often voluntarily harassed countries. It is difficult to say when China will claim the country's territory.

As it's economic power grows, so does its expansionism. The United States has five or six years. At the same time, it has to compete with China on every front. Under Trump's presidency, the United States launched a trade war with China. Given the salient features of the recent G7 Summit, it looks like it will expand. The United States will try to stop China's rhetoric with the G7 countries.

It is difficult to say how successful this will be, as China is the second-largest debtor to The United States after Japan. China has given loans to countries around the world, they will not be in a position to stand with the United States without getting rid of China's debts.

Moreover, the United States has maintained tense relations not only with China but also with Russia. China will also benefit. China wants to use Russia against the United States in the same way that the United States tried to use China against The Soviet Union in the 1970s.

These are the conditions that are strengthening China and it is openly expressing its views, so at the G7 summit, other countries, including the United States, agreed on a new plan to compete with China. Under which the developing G7 countries will spend money. As for infrastructure in developing countries, so a spokesman for the Chinese embassy in London said, "Gone are the days when groups of small countries decided the fate of the world." At the moment, China is not ready to intimidate. In such a scenario, dear India should take a very cautious step, because the truth is that the United States is sacrificing relations for its own interests!

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