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Did the British conquer India


Did the British conquer India
Did the British conquer India?

Did the British conquer India? This question also arises because the kind of democracy that is prevalent in the subcontinent suggests that this democracy is still a slave.

 Whenever a country was conquered in history, the invaders came with their Lao army, there were bloody wars and if the invaders remained victorious, then it would be permissible for them to seize the treasures and wealth of the defeated country and nation.

Either they consolidated their power by occupying the country or they looted and returned. With this in mind, when we look at the arrival of the British and their history, the first thing that becomes clear is that the British came to India not as invaders but as traders. The aim was to make a profit through trade.

 Then under what circumstances did he move from trade to politics and establish his power here? Professor of History Sir John Sally at Cambridge University. He believes that English power did not come into being under a plan but under an absent-mindedness.

The reason for this is that the fall of the Mughals has created a vacuum. The East India Company had the opportunity to fill this gap and become a political power. Contrary to this view, the Indian historian Mogharji in his book The rise and fall of the East India Company, in the history of rising and fall of the East India Company, has emphasized that the company has sought political power from the very beginning. ۔ . Because he hoped that this would result in more profit from a trade. So the company gradually cleared its path to power under a plan.

After the political turmoil in India after Aurangzeb's death, besides the British, French, and Dutch also came to India, so these trading companies had security forces for their factories or warehouses. These soldiers were Indians, but these soldiers were trained in the Western style, which required discipline, while in India the soldiers were not properly trained, and on the battlefield, they would take the form of mobs. ۔ Observing this, European tourists wrote that an experienced general in Europe could defeat the Indians with his small organizing army.

Did the British conquer India
Did the British conquer India?

The tradition of discipline in Europe was due to his civil war, which led him to follow the orders of the generals at their respective places on the battlefield. In southern India, especially between the British and the French, there was a competition to contact the local states and ask them for trade facilities.

On, On the other hand, these states used the French and the British in their wars for their own interests. That is why these few European trading companies have entered Indian politics.

In this contest, the East India Company finally defeated the French, and from here Robert Clive went to fight the Battle of Plassey in 1757. Victory in this war paved the way for British rule and they gradually began to occupy the states. India and the Mughal emperors became his helpers.

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 English because he succeeded. When we analyze this question, we come to the conclusion that East India did not bring troops from England. All his soldiers were Indians, except his officers. He not only trained his soldiers but also paid their salaries.

When the company got civil rights in Bengal and Bihar, the Indian staff also started collecting taxes. Lending to the company was also done by Indian bankers, especially Jagat Seth. He not only provided financial support to the government of the company but also collected taxes for it.

When the company's government set up state-owned enterprises, it kept its officials at a high level but gave these jobs to Indians at a lower level. The office clerk, the policeman, the intelligence agent were all Indians.

According to Indian tradition, loyalty to one's master was essential. Therefore, there was no revolt against it. We realized this when the Indian troops revolted in 1857 and were ashamed that they had committed the crime of illicit salt. The uprising of 1857 was crushed but with the help of the Indian Army.

After 1857, the rule of the Company came to an end and India came under the British crown, but the state administration was still the responsibility of the Indians. Whenever the British government needed them, they were financially supported by the Nawabs, Rajas, and the great feudal lords and feudal lords of the Indian state.

 He made foreign conquests with the Indian army, such as Burma. He sent Indian workers to South Africa, where he worked in the mines, and a large number of Indian workers went to the West Indies. They used Indian professionals and office clerks in their African colonies. Therefore, the upper Christians were in the hands of the British, but the lower echelons of the government were run by the Indians.

When the changing times and environment brought political consciousness among the Indians, the bankers, and capitalists of India began to think about why they should not be free to increase their capital and pursue their own interests. So he provided funding to Congress and other parties to fight against British rule.

Did the British conquer India
Did the British conquer India

Therefore, when India became independent, the Indians who replaced the British in power did not make any significant changes in the institutions and laws of the state, nor did they include the people in their privileges.

That is why this freedom is meaningless to the common man because even today the people of India and Pakistan are fighting for their basic rights. They don't know much about the difference between a foreigner and their own government.


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