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The Bright History of Black Americans


The Bright History of Black Americans

The bright history of Blacks American is a disgrace to the face of Europe. The expression of racism and European behavior is clear to the world. Some historians say that the arrival of black slaves in the United States began in 1555. Slaves caught off the coast of Africa were first shipped to Dutch ports, where they were shipped to the United States via the Atlantic Ocean. That is why it was called a disgusting business.

The Bright History of Black Americans
The Bright History of Black Americans

The first a ship loaded with slaves from Africa to the United States anchored in Virginia in 1619. Since then, "African hunting" has become a national sport. There are examples of the slave trade and the enslavement of conquered populations by looters such as Halako and Timur, but the method was quite unique.

 Ships would anchor on the shore and all the people including women and children would be chased away and loaded on the ship. During the journey, the men and women would be separated, and the pirate girls would be divided among themselves, and then there would be a "multiplicity of children" competition between them, in order to get a new consignment of slaves.

By 1898, slavery had reached its peak, enslaving 10 million Africans. Violence, disease and suffocation killed more than two million slaves during the voyage, while many "rebel" rebel slaves were thrown into the sea with weights tied to their legs.

 Most of the slaves were imprisoned on the Red Sea and on the west and central shores of Africa. Half of them were slaves in the Biafra, Gabon, and Sierra Leone areas of Nigeria. People from Senegal, Liberia, Congo, and Ghana were also arrested. Red Sea pirates hunt Sudanese and Abyssinians. Abyssinian girls liked these thugs because of their good character.

The Bright History of Black Americans
The Bright History of Black Americans

One-third of the captured African slaves were Muslims. However, Islam had already reached North America before the arrival of Columbus and there were Muslims among the ancient Indian tribes.

Slave markets were established in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia to sell these slaves.

 At the time, the United States consisted of 13 colonies on the Atlantic coast that declared independence from Britain. In 1776, these 13 colonies took the form of states, and the United States took on a new form. The 13 red and white stripes on the American flag represent the same early states.

 In 1625, the total population of these colonies was 1980, while by 1660, the number of slave owners had exceeded 2,000, which were devised to control the worst tactics and rules of oppression. Immediate punishment for disobedience was carried out, and the punishment was so severe that the sale of juice to make snares became a lucrative business.

The execution was carried out by a blood relative of the "culprit". That is, the brother used to hang his brother, the father used to hang his son. Death threats were common in those days. In addition to hanging, slapping in sacks, stabbing, burning alive, throwing slaves into acid drums, and tying weights on feet were also common punishments. Just think of the atrocities that were inflicted on the slaves brought to America from Africa.


The first organization of American black Muslims

As soon as the arrested Muslims arrived in the United States, they started preaching. The majority of these slaves were relatively educated, so in 1898 an Arabic newspaper, Aquarius America, was published. Kokab has the distinction of being one of the oldest newspapers in the United States. The oldest newspaper here is probably the New York Times, which began publishing in 1851. In 1907, Tatars from Poland, Russia, and Eastern Europe empowered the blacks and founded the first American Muslim Association, the American Muhammadan Society.

The black population of the United States welcomed newcomers, regardless of religion, with open arms. The majority of immigrants were engineers and craftsmen, so on the advice of local Muslims, a large number of them turned to Detroit, Michigan, where the car industry was booming at the time. Detroit has a large Muslim immigrant population.

The Bright History of Black Americans
The Bright History of Black Americans

Establishment of the Nation of Islam

In 1934, an Arab black Muslim, Alijah Muhammad, founded the Nation of Islam, which later became the Nation of Islam. It was ordered to mobilize at the outbreak of World War II, which was opposed by the Nation of Islam. "Islam declares war to be a riot based on race, nationality, and color, so Muslims cannot be a part of it," he said. The decision sparked tensions that led to the arrest of The nation of Islam chief Aliha Muhammad and his associates.

Malcolm X's conversion to Islam

Malcolm X's (Alhaj Malik Shahbaz) accession to the Nation of Islam in 1950, as well as the countrywide civil liberties movement, proved to be a revolutionary turning point in American history. The United Action Council and the South Christian Leadership Conference SCLC brought together democrats from across the United States on a single platform. Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King became symbols of civil liberties, equal rights, justice, and liberty, and soon blacks, women and other linguistic and cultural minorities gained the right to vote.


Award for Black History

Black history is the pride of America. In fact, this is the Islamic history of the United States, every aspect of which is a manifestation of dignity and unparalleled struggle. The sacrifices of African Americans for democracy, the abolition of slavery, freedom, equal rights, and social justice are unforgettable. Noble Drew Ali, Wallace Ford Muhammad, Alijah Muhammad, Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King, Muhammad Ali Kelly, etc. are the flowers of this caravan of a difficult life, in whose memory the road to freedom is still fragrant. White Americans also acknowledge that America's wealth, power, glory, and prosperity are the result of the hard work of slaves, African Americans, and immigrants.

African Americans may be paid tribute, but the most painful aspect of the treatment of black people in the United States is that these atrocities have not been given a place in the pages of history or in the curriculum of American children. There is space Not to mention

 It is also important to see how the humiliation of slavery has negatively affected the psyche of free human beings. Even after the abolition of slavery, blacks were subjected to the worst forms of racial prejudice and contempt, the effects of which are still being felt today. The Commission should conduct an impartial review of the injustices and inhumane treatment of black people and propose measures to deal with them.

 History shows that the pirates responsible for enslaving Africans were not only pirates who imprisoned Africans from their homes but also had slave markets in the country that were protected by the US government. The transfer of property was made on an official document. Therefore, the responsibility for this heinous atrocity lies directly with the US Congress and the government.


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