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World Coffee Day 2020


Coffee is known to be the best source of energy. It is also very useful for health. Its production is higher in Africa. And it is said that during the 700's, a goat herder in Africa made some adjustments in the goats, so he discovered what the goats were eating. So he discovered some beans that the goats were eating with unusual temperament.

World Coffee Day 2020
World Coffee Day 2020

In the 15th century, coffee began its journey north through Yemen. Where he was called "Mocha". It later became known as "the wine of wine" in Egypt, Persia, and Turkey. While it was introduced in educational institutions as "wisdom".

The arrival of coffee to the Arabs came too late. Coffee was also widely cultivated in southern India. Coffee entered Europe in 1560 and became increasingly popular.

Pope Clement called it his best drink and glorified it by calling it a Christian drink. By the 1600s, coffee houses were expanding rapidly throughout Europe. The World Coffee Organization has decided to celebrate World Coffee Day in 2014 with the aim of encouraging farmers and raising awareness about the importance of coffee.

A recent study of 4,000 men in the United States found for the first time that regular coffee or tea drinkers had a much lower rate of male impotence.

What is not done to avoid male impotence and what expensive and harmful drugs are not used, but fortunately nature has also made a wonderful natural arrangement of men's health in the presence of which harmful drugs are definitely. Not required.

World Coffee Day 2020
World Coffee Day 2020

A recent study of 4,000 men in the United States found for the first time that regular coffee or tea drinkers had a much lower rate of male impotence. Research has shown that drinking one to two cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of male impotence by 42%. According to the US NHS, a mug of instant coffee contains about 100 mg of caffeine, while a mug of filtered coffee contains about 140 mg. The amount of caffeine in a cup of tea is about 75 mg. Consumption of 85 to 170 mg of caffeine per day reduces the risk of male impotence by 42%, while consumption of 171 to 303 mg of caffeine per day reduces the risk by 39%.

Obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes are common causes of male impotence, researchers say. Caffeine use also reduces the risk of male impotence in obese and hypertensive patients, while it has not been shown to benefit diabetics.

Experts say that caffeine, a substance found in tea and coffee, triggers a series of effects that relax and dilate the veins of the reproductive organs, causing an increase in blood circulation. This series of effects maintain men's health and reduces the risk of weakness.

Numerous previous studies have found that coffee significantly reduces the risk of heart disease, mental illness, dementia, skin diseases, and type 2 diabetes. These positive effects are caused by caffeine, a substance found in coffee beans. Coffee also contains a number of antioxidants and herbal chemicals that give it a unique taste and medicinal benefits.

Coffee is a rich drink that has a wealth of energy in it. It is widely consumed in the world today. It has been demonstrated to be helpful for wellbeing. And experts in this field also say that drinking coffee removes cheapness and the person becomes active again.

Emma Gone Who drank coffee this morning? Yes! You and millions of others like you around the world who consider coffee to be the most important discovery in the history of humanity. Today, espresso is the second-biggest exchanged product the world, second just too raw petroleum.

World Coffee Day 2020
World Coffee Day 2020

It is the second most famous drink on the planet. Water is number one - and it is credited with beginning the Enlightenment. All things considered, 95% of the total populace is 100 years of age, flat, and dead.

When broiled espresso is crisp, living food, and loses its essentialness, and passes on in about seven days.

 And no matter if it's a vacuum-sealed, nitrogen flash, or some other fancy packaging process, nothing can stop it from dying.

 And keeping it in the fridge or freezer is more harmful than good oring. So, there are a lot of stories about how coffee was first discovered. What we do know is that early coffee consumption has mystical and spiritual significance across many cultures. Initially, coffee was prepared and eaten as part of religious ceremonies. The monks used it to stay awake at night during a long period of prayer and to attain a higher state of consciousness.

 They were drinking coffee prepared like this. So we are ready. From the handful of spiritual seekers who use this drink to the present day, where millions of people around the world, like you, drink coffee every morning.

 In our desire to provide this special drink to the public, we have sacrificed quality for quantity. It is my mission to recapture the mystical power of freshly brewed coffee and pass it on to the public.

 Are you ready for the Enlightenment 2.0 age? all right! This ... is a branch of an Arabic coffee tree grown here in Bali. This tree has seeds inside the cherry.

 Coffee beans -

 They are not beans, they are seeds. They are coffee cherry seeds. More than 90% of these seeds - these cherries have two seeds - they are female and only 5-10% have one seed - they taste different.

 Bitter than any other - but that's another thing, we won't get involved. These cherries are actually sweet, edible fruit. Here, try it! Now, once these seeds are separated from the fruit, they will dry out.

  Once they dry properly, they can last for months, even years. But, once cannabis is gone, their life span is very short, and it is important to use it within a week to get the maximum amount of strength and freshness from them.

 Cooked is a very fresh food, and should be treated that way. There are more than 1,500 chemical reactions. Just think about it for a minute. We don't have a minute.

 Let's think about this for 10 seconds. 1500 different chemical reactions! The seeds have completely changed from their dry, green, dormant state to their living, freshly roasted state, where they can be attached by our body. In the process, the seed has become a pharmaceutical tool that can benefit our brains and bodies in ways we haven't even begun to explore.

 Their focus is on freshness, and quick consumption. This is how commercial coffee cultures roast their coffee. Their emphasis is on advertising, bundling, and time span of usability.

 The other makes coffee that stays on the shelf for weeks and months and is old, stale, and dead. Now, roasting coffee is like making popcorn. You heat the seeds, and after a while, they smoke and pop, or burst.

There are actually two cracks. When the loud second crack is just starting, turn off the heat, you will start the cooling process. There is not much mystery here. Do a little exercise to know when to turn off the heat.

But, if you can make popcorn without burning it, you can fry coffee. After roasting and cooling enough, it goes through a period that needs to be fixed. Therefore, the beans take a while to settle, even though they have been cooled.

World Coffee Day 2020
World Coffee Day 2020

 But this time period is several hours. Not days, not weeks; as many coffee makers claim. My own tests set a high power time for espresso –

These studies ... what are they reading? They are studying old, dead, stale coffee! Or those who drink old, stale, dead coffee! I haven't seen a single study that has used coffee within a few days of roasting, leave it at its last, or within 24 hours.

Remember, if you can make popcorn without burning it, you can fry coffee. And the technology for roasting coffee is very simple. You need heat. I am building a coffee university here in Bali. It will teach you everything about coffee - from cherries to cups, growing, harvesting, processing, roasting, and barista training.

 The age of enlightenment has begun! It is a time of revolution, and a time of restoration of the way we prepare, process, and prepare our food. Nature has given us the gift of superfoods, which not only sustain our lives but also increase and strengthen our inner strength so that we can work efficiently, effectively, and powerfully.

Freshly made organic Arabic coffee enhances my ability to focus on my thoughts and thoughts to create and express my dreams. I believe it is a powerful superfood when used fresh, which can help humans to do the same.


Eight Major Benefits Of Vitamin D.

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