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History of slavery in Africa

 History of slavery in Africa

history of slavery in Africa, Slavery exists in many forms. A wide variety of histories and cultures, but slavery in early America meant that the colonies of North America were Central America, South America, and the Caribbean.

History of slavery in Africa

                                       History of slavery in Africa

Ultimately power has enslaved Africans and their descendants through hard work and there are many important questions. People do not stop asking why there was nothing hereditary in Africa. West Africans and their offspring were further enslaved for social or psychological make-up in the 17th to 19th centuries.

 So in order to get to the heart of our question, we must first ask ourselves. Why did the Europeans go for colonies? To begin with, the United States is OK. Before I look for the answers to these questions, I think it is important to note that this is not the case.

 Something like charitable slavery is predicted by any system. Exploitation and extortion through violence and force cannot be justified, however, the purpose of this crude timeline is to compare. Estimates of damage to slaves without classification values.

For the early Americans, colonies of European powers like Spain were offered. Portugal is followed by Dutch and British. And the French set out in search of its conquest and capital. Its initial investigation in the United States began in 1492 and has continued to this day.

The 18th century was not a time for travel and adventure, no matter how many prestigious versions there are. The colonies we learned in the film. Instead, they were looking for one, the real thing is wealth and it could mean gold or silver, it could mean land. 

The impetus for agriculture and commercial crops was to advance research. The treasury of European power and monarchy increased, but not slavery in the beginning. The source of this wealth was the easy control of the early Spanish colonies over the silver and gold earrings in the Middle East and South America in the 16th century.

 Which was controlled by Inkan and through them. The Aztec empires were able to supplement the already established colonies by forcing local groups to remove silver and gold from their ears. The desire for more profit from less work is futile because they were not. Intended to compensate someone and the colonists were ruthless in their work.

 If the locals on the verge of death do not remove it, the limbs will be cut off. They were able to kill the Spaniards with too much haste or threat. To augment my mining efforts, wealth in these areas increased in the 16th century, and their specific demand was met, despite European expectations, other regions, such as North America or the Caribbean, had large gold mines. There were no reserves.

 And the silver has to be sent back to Europe, though very little will be found. In these areas, kingdoms and early colonies came equally. Their goal was to maximize profits by focusing on the crops they were producing. They started ensuring maximum profits in the form of higher profits like Chinese tobacco, rice, and later cotton.

Slavery was granted because European workers' employees needed pay or other forms. Protection The next thing we need to ask is when? Turn to the colonies in America. The continents of North America are under the control of the first African slaves who reached the African continent as a place for the release of slaves.

 English, French territories that will be part of later. In 1619 when 20 of us were forcibly taken away. Jamestown Virginia through Dutch but first slaves was with Africans. Arriving in the Caribbean and the Latin United States earlier, beginning in the first decade of the 16th century, remember those who established colonies in the United States. We, Africans, are transporters. It began in the American colonies before slavery.

According to an article by Prof. Dr. Hakeem, the Portuguese started. Slavery of Africans in the 15th century When they arrived on the African continent for commercial purposes, they were a slave around that time, between other African slaves and the free population in Portugal, whether they were alone or not.

This 15th-century paradigm is basically the most widespread form of slavery. Will set the stage for later decisions on slavery that would come to the United States during the colonies.

But imprisonment at that time was not limited to blacks or peoples of the African continent and most raids were the result of war or the slave trade. This included Islamic traders, West African groups, and other Europeans. That is why we have chosen to blow up the West African slave trade.

 So our last question is why did the European colonies begin to see only West Africans through slavery? And how the appearance of shadow slavery in the United States was different from what it already is.

Remember that the colonies were established to make money for the royal families and the rich colonies. And a small class of rich colonists who owned large gardens. They wanted to increase their margins by not paying their wages.

 Making their own cash crops did not mean that the colonies needed slavery to flourish. Instead, it was decided that this was the fastest way to get rich people who would invest in getting rich black slaves. The Caribbean kept coming to North America and South America.

History of slavery in Africa
                                       History of slavery in Africa
Slavery did not end until the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries, and it did not end until the 19th century. Until then, however, the United States had a large slave population and the state of slavery was considered legally hereditary.

The status of their mothers became permanent when Europeans arrived in the American colonies. It turned out that the pre-existing system depended on enslaving the conquered enemies. He was not working for several important reasons: Early attempts to enslave Native Americans in the United States proved difficult because he was aware of it.

 As a result, they were more likely to flee or revolt against their nations and lands. He used the system of leading raids and then enslaving the losers of war was less achievable because the colonists had little idea of ​​survival in these new territories and they often succumbed to the diseases that the Europeans contracted from malaria. Genocide was no exception.

 Native Americans and the introduction of new diseases wiped out their population. That is, smallpox from Europe made widespread slavery less possible, but European colonies wanted more capacity to control the slave population so that it would be harder for European colonies to escape and the danger of taking people from West Africa to the United States. Can be reduced. 

 Those who ran away joined the neighboring tribes. However, the reality is that the revolt against slavery continues between enslaved Africans and their descendants. This proves that this calculation was often wrong. Second, West Africa was often a source of forced and abducted labor because of its proximity to the ports that connected it.

These three places are more likely. Workers in West African countries were more familiar with the agricultural methods required for large-scale cultivation of this type of crop in the New World. So how does all this work when the slave trade was estimated at 9 to 12?

Millions of people who came from Africa as cargo colonies eventually resorted to reproduction within the colonies to maintain slavery. This meant that slavery could be passed from mother to child, and we began to see it as a way to justify this never-ending slavery.

 False race science and the evolution of racism were used to justify why a group of people, especially people of African descent, could be enslaved. But this change erased the fact that slavery existed all over the world before West Africa turned to slavery through labor.

It was judged by battles and military arrests along ethnic lines and the tone of my skin. As a result, we came up with an idea for Race Eve.

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