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Black History Month A Short History of Slavery

Black History Month A Short History of Slavery

Black History Month A Short History of Slavery, And now for a brief history of slavery. Here's the first thing you need to know. Slavery was not "invented" by white people. It did not begin in 1619 when the first slaves came to Jamestown.

Black History Month A Short History of Slavery
                                                  Black History Month A Short History of Slavery

 It was there before. It did not begin in 1492 when Columbus discovered the New World. In fact, when the fearless explorer landed in the Bahamas, the local Tino tribe hoped he could help them defeat their aggressive neighbor, the Caribbean.

 The Caribs enslaved Tony and offered him dinner on the spot. Slavery existed in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. The word "slave" actually comes from slaves in Eastern Europe. Millions of them - whites anyway - were captured and enslaved by Muslims in the ninth century and later by the Ottoman Turks.

 Slavery existed when the Roman Empire controlled the Mediterranean and much of Europe from the first to the fifth centuries. Slavery existed when Alexander the Great conquered Persia in the fourth century BC. It was so common that Aristotle considered it merely "natural."

 The slave/master model was exactly what the world was like in the days of the great philosopher. Slavery existed in the time of the ancient Egyptians five thousand years ago. As far as human history is concerned, we find slavery.

 As the famous historian John Steele Gordon notes, slaves have been an important part of the trade since ancient times. One-third of the population of the ancient world was enslaved. Here's another thing you need to know. White people were the first to formally abolish slavery.

In 1833, Britain was the first country in the history of the world to pass the Abolition of Slavery Act. France later abolished slavery in many of its colonies in 1848. Then, of course, came the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

 After centuries of human slavery, white men led the world in ending this heinous act. That includes 300,000 Union soldiers, most of them white, who died during the civil war. Am I saying that it makes white people better than anyone else? no way.

 My point here is simple, to be honest, and the truth is that human history is complex. No one, regardless of skin color, is innocent. Yet today we are never asked to consider the murderous actions of the murderous Persian Empire or the indigenous tribes of North and South America or the imperialist Muslim, Chinese, Mongol, or Japanese empires.

 Instead, we are told that slavery is a white phenomenon. Like all persistent lies, these lies form a group of other lies. On social media, I find extraordinary reflections on how Africans lived like pharaohs before the arrival of Europeans and the destruction of their paradise.

 I wish any of this was true. But that is not the case. This is a fantasy. The truth is that Africans were sold into slavery by other black Africans. And in many cases, they are sold for trivial things like gin and mirrors. The whites did not go in and did not gather the locals. He was waiting on the beach for his black comrades to bring the black bodies.

The bitter truth is that our lives were of no value to our ancestors. Here is the third thing you need to know. If you think slavery is a thing of the past, you are wrong. Today there are about 700,000 slaves in Africa. now. This is the lowest estimate I can get.

 Other sources make it clear that there are many more. In context, they are almost twice as many slaves brought to America. Child soldiers, human trafficking, forced labor - these are the conditions that currently exist in the sub-Saharan region where the transatlantic slave trade began.

 African bodies are being sold today as they were then - and no, no country is buying white men. In fact, slavery, by any traditional definition, is especially prevalent in non-white countries today. But we hear almost nothing about it.

 As we hear nothing about how universal slavery was until the good people of Europe and America abolished it two centuries ago. Why? Because our so-called "leader" ie black and white will not be of any use. If black hunting is not beneficial then nothing.

 It selects politicians and funds, ethnic grievance groups. And if black Americans begin to see themselves as partners in the American dream. If we adopt the spirit of patriotism which makes all human beings equal, the spirit of patriotism which is our true heritage. Race enthusiasts will soon be out of business. And who wants I am Candace Owens, author of Blackout, for the University of Prague.

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