Coronavirus: people unfamiliar and limited scientific knowledge:
Coronavirus: people unfamiliar and limited scientific knowledge: The chronic coronavirus has
infected millions of people. The man knows some of the causes of this epidemic but
is unaware of the length of this epidemic. Researchers are still working on the
recently, when the symptoms of coronavirus persisted for a long time,
the patient thought that his doctor was not serious about treating the disease,
but now, more than two years later, he is seeing many changes due to the
epidemic. Are coming Think.
What is live code ?:
When a
person is infected with COD 19 and the infection persists even after the virus
has left the body, there is difficulty breathing, severe fatigue, and chest
pain for months. This becomes a challenge, a condition called mortgage.
Some studies show that in 14 to 30% of COD patients, at least one symptom of the epidemic lasts for 90 days after recovery. This shows that 395 million cases worldwide, or 55 to 120 million people are still affected. It's basically a long code or code epidemic length. Researchers have identified a number of risks and are still trying to determine the cause of the long code.
What is
When a
person is infected with the coronavirus and the infection persists even after
the virus has left the body, there is difficulty breathing for months, severe
fatigue, and chest pain. This becomes a challenge, a condition called mortgage.
Some studies
show that in 14 to 30% of COD patients, at least one symptom of the epidemic
lasts for 90 days after recovery. This shows that 395 million cases worldwide,
or 55 to 120 million people are still affected. It's basically a long code or
the length of the code epidemic. Researchers have identified a number of
threats and are still trying to determine the cause of the long code.
Longcode vs. Omicron
At present,
the omega-3 variant of the coronavirus is more prevalent, and according
to statistics, most of the symptoms of the disease are not severe, but the
spread is very rapid. The general public is concerned that omicron has
increased the incidence of coronavirus.
appear to be exacerbated during coronary heart disease and may not be related
to the severity or severity of the infection.
Reasons for mortgage
Longwood has
been described as a multifaceted syndrome. This can be due to various reasons
or a combination of several reasons. This means that there can be more than one
type of mortgage.
According to
Joachim Schultz, a researcher at the German Brain Research Institute (DZNE),
Code 19 can be severe in a single patient and is treated with life-saving drugs
in the intensive care unit, while the severity and severity of the infection
are mild. Favorite Symptoms On the other, can the severe symptoms of the Pact
affect many organs?
In the case
of mortgages, a physician must make an accurate diagnosis when treating his
patient appropriately. At this point, researchers are making steady progress in
their research.
According to
statistics, this vaccine has the potential to reduce the severity of life in
any human being, but it does not completely eliminate this risk.
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