The Android phone won't turn on or
There are
several reasons why your Android phone or iPhone may not
Such as
rusting of charging ports to damage the cable, but a problem is very common in
charging ports.
Now whether
it's the iPhone's Lightning port
or Android's USB port,
which gets blocked by dusting and the cable doesn't fit properly.
There is no
cover on the phone's charging port, so dirt and other debris can be easily
stored there.
At first, this
is not a problem but over time this dust and debris start to accumulate, and
when the charging cable is connected to each other it is not possible to
replace it gradually.
If you have
had the phone for more than 6 months and you are having problems gradually
charging, it may be due to the dust in the port.
But the good
news is that the solution is very simple.
For this, take a toothpick or any
thin and long thing that can be kept inside the port, if it is made of wood or
plastic, it is better not to do any harm to the port.
Insert your device into the charging
knob take it to the end and then slowly start scratching.
The iPhone has to be scratched back
and forth, while in the USB port around the charging connector, this connector
is in the middle of the port.
Abrasives quickly loosen the
accumulated waste and make it easier to remove from the port.
You will be amazed at how much
rubbish was inside the port and yes don't forget to scrape around the port
gently but carefully.
When a large amount of garbage comes
out, reinstall the charging cable to make sure there is no problem.
Most likely, charging will start and
if not, pick up the trash and recharge.
If that still doesn't solve the
problem, decide to buy a new cable or charger.
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