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The Biggest Science Stories Of 2021

 The Biggest Science Stories Of 2021

 The Biggest Science Stories Of 2021, in a very short period of time, scientists have accomplished other scientific tasks, including developing a vaccine for diseases such as corona.

The Biggest Science Stories Of 2021
                                                             The Biggest Science Stories Of 2021 

The year 2021 proved to be very good from a scientific point of view. Humans have done a lot of scientific work in a very short time, including developing vaccines for diseases like a corona.

The good thing about science and scientific inventions is that they are for the benefit of all humanity, not just one country or group, so let's see how far the world has come in the field of science in 2021.

Preparation of artificial coffee:

An estimated 30 to 40 percent of the world's population drinks coffee daily and this rate is increasing over time. This means it's about to be the most delusional time of the year, as well. But the biggest problem is that a good coffee crop requires a lot of water, fertilizer, and space.

  In addition, after harvesting, the factories extract coffee seeds and after preparing them, the factories dump the water in the rivers. It also contains many toxic chemicals, which have harmful effects on the environment. But now scientists in the laboratory have experimented with making coffee using cell culture.

Surprisingly, the aroma and taste of the coffee produced as a result of this experience are very similar to the original coffee. In this experiment, cells are obtained from the coffee plant and all the ingredients are given to these cells in the lab. This makes the cells feel like they are part of a plant and as a result, many beans are produced.

Explain the relationship between cancer and DNA:

We know that living things are made up of tiny cells that have DNA in their center. Understand that DNA is a chemical substance about which all information exists in a chemical state.

We have been taught in biology books since childhood that if the sun's rays, X-rays, etc., damage this DNA (also called DNA mutation or DNA mutation). So, the process of cell growth, that is, division, mutation and it leads to cancer but is it really just DNA mutations that cause cancer?

In September 2021, a study on "moles on the human body" found that sesame is also a type of cancer. We know that moles form on human skin when the skin is black. The pigment-producing cells rapidly divide due to changes in DNA and form clusters of cells, which we call 'mole'.

Mole is also a type of cancer but it is not very dangerous. Black tumors are also caused by DNA changes in these cells.

Observations of both cells showed that in acute cancers, such as black tumors, a protein found in the same cell, ATAD2, was involved in DNA mutations by inserting a gene (a basic part of DNA) into DNA. Gives. As a result, the cells take the form of malignant tumors rather than just a normal mole.

Discovery of biological collision enzymes:

We know that living cells contain DNA which sends 'chemical lines' to that part of the cell which makes proteins for cell growth which we also call ribosomes which make proteins and these 'lines' are biological In the term (Messenger RNA)).

This process from DNA to messenger RNA is called 'transcription'. There is a central principle in biology, also called 'central dogma', which tells us that messenger RNA and its ribosome proteins are made from DNA in a cell and cannot be changed. But a recent discovery by scientists has challenged that. This principle.

The Biggest Science Stories Of 2021
                                              The Biggest Science Stories Of 2021 

In June 2021, scientists discovered an amazing enzyme called polymerase theta in human cells. This enzyme can also be called human reverse transcriptase. Scientists are worried about this discovery because many biological concepts are based on principle and this research contradicts this principle, which means that much remains to be discovered.

Successful experiment with synthetic insulin in the human body

Discovery of lava ponds on Mars:

The first malaria vaccine:

Preparation of antibiotics with the help of supercomputers:

New discoveries of Parker Solar Probe:

James Webb's Telescope for Exploring the Universe:

These are just some of the goal-setting shareware that you can use.

Principles of insurance.
Omicron spreads abnormally, many countries impose sanctions: WHO:


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