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US mission in Afghanistan announced to end by August 5

 US mission in Afghanistan announced to end by August 5

US mission in Afghanistan announced to end by August 5
US mission in Afghanistan announced to end by August 5

"We've been able to achieve our goals there for two years, now the Afghan people and leaders have to decide their own future," he said.

  US President Joe Biden has introduced that the US army mission in Afghanistan will quit on August 5. He told a press conference at the White House yesterday that the US military presence in Afghanistan is in view of the safety of US troops. The military mission is being completed by August


Informing about his administration's efforts to end the war in Afghanistan, he said in his address that the current security situation in Afghanistan only indicates that there is an indefinite period of time to maintain law and order there. The United States can no longer afford it. "We did not go for the nation-building of Afghanistan," Biden said. The United States has done what it could for Afghanistan over the past two years, and now that the Afghan people have to decide their own future, Afghanistan's leaders must come together and move forward.

However, the United States will continue to support Afghanistan. Asked about the Taliban's growing influence in Afghanistan, Biden ignored those who called for an extension of the US military operation there but said that having more US troops in Afghanistan would help solve the problem. There will be no help. I don't want to push another generation of Americans into the Afghan war without a reasonable expectation, nor do I want to send anyone there. "How many thousands more of your sons and daughters do you want to endanger?" He asked those who opposed the move.

  "Our mission was completed when we found Osama bin Laden. The invasion of US forces in Afghanistan and its two-decade presence was aimed at preventing another invasion of American soil like the 9/11 attacks. We have achieved our goal. Terrorism is no longer spreading in the region. Therefore, the United States must now turn their attention to other global challenges.

 On the possibility of a full Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, President Biden said he was confident in the ability of the US-backed Afghan army to defend his government. Biden also called on other countries in the region to support the parties in Afghanistan. Help for a comprehensive political settlement in between.

 In his speech, the US president urged the Afghan government to try to reach an agreement with the Taliban. It is noteworthy that Biden has so far taken a very clear and detailed position on the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan. According to sources, before the announcement, President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris had discussed the situation with national security officials regarding the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.

 Earlier, White House Press Secretary Jane Sackie said President Joe Biden believed there was no military solution to the five-year war. The United States supports resolving the Afghan conflict through diplomatic talks and wants to maintain its diplomatic and humanitarian presence there after the withdrawal. Biden's statement came as British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said yesterday that most British troops had returned from Afghanistan.

Johnson said in a statement to the British Parliament that all British troops on NATO's mission in Afghanistan were returning home and that most had left. The British Prime Minister said that no one should doubt the fruits of the efforts made there in the last five years. We cannot ignore the real situation today. The situation there is very different from before. It should be noted that other NATO member countries have also completed the withdrawal of their troops from Afghanistan.

US mission in Afghanistan announced to end by August 5
US mission in Afghanistan announced to end by August 5


Joe Biden who is the fourth US president to oversee the war in Afghanistan defended the pull-out of US troops. Biden’s justification comes despite the fear that the US exit will inevitably allow extremist Taliban to return to power.

After 20 years, 1 trillion has been spent, 48 Americans have injured 20722 and thousands are returning home with invisible trauma for their mental health.

 20 years of experience have shown us that the current security situation not only confirms that a one-year solution to the war in Afghanistan is not a solution but a recipe for living there indefinitely that we can get to what terrorists Want to do in Afghanistan. 911 attacked us and prevented Afghanistan from becoming a base for Osama bin Laden to provide justice and reduce the threat of terrorism from where attacks against the United States could continue. That is why we achieved these goals. We left because we did not go to Afghanistan.

And it is the sole responsibility of the Afghan people to decide their future, and they want to run their country together with their NATO allies and partners, for which we have the Afghan National Security Forces and More than three current serving members of the Army has been trained or equipped.


Let me ask these people how many more thousands of American daughters and sons we want, are you willing to risk how long you will be living with them already? We have military members whose parents fought in Afghanistan.

Years ago you also sent their children and grandchildren and did you send your son or daughter too but our message to these women and men is clear that there is a domestic for you in the United States if you select and we will stand with you as you stand with us

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