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Don't shorten the life of a smartphone


The use of a Smartphone is becoming more and more common and most people have these devices from different companies. But do you think that the life of smartphones is not more than one or two years after which a lot of worries? Face

In fact, most people make a few mistakes that do not seem to be harmful but shorten the life of smartphones.

Needless to say, a new phone is not cheap, so everyone wants to use it as long as possible if you also want to avoid mistakes that ruin the life of the phone. What happens?

Don't shorten the life of a smartphone
Don't shorten the life of a smartphone

Prefer vibration for notifications

Your phone, like any other tool or device, ages and becomes less useful when used.

According to experts, some features such as vibrating notifications make it difficult for the phone to work, as it results in the phone having to work at full capacity even for unnecessary tasks. Like humans, a phone needs some rest so that its functions are not affected.

Keep apps on the phone that you don't use

Whether it's an iPhone or an Android device, apps that aren't used suck up battery life, for example, if you open an app only once and never use it again, this app Possibly working in the background.

If you do not use such apps, it is better to delete them, which will not only increase battery life but also save valuable space.

Don't shorten the life of a smartphone
Don't shorten the life of a smartphone

Allowing unnecessary permissions

Ride-sharing apps require a location to cook for you, but why don't other apps need that permission, so look for apps that are given such permissions and deny unnecessary permissions.

Battery sucking apps

There are some apps that drain the battery very quickly, most notably Snapchat, Google Maps, Netflix, and Facebook.

According to The Guardian, just deleting the Face book app from Android can improve battery life by 20% while getting rid of the Face book Messenger app can increase the load time of other apps by 15%.

Facebook, in particular, spends more time on battery life because it works in the background even if you don't use it.

Don't shorten the life of a smartphone
Don't shorten the life of a smartphone

Too bright screen

Gone are the days when the screen of a phone was very small but you need to understand that these big screens are the biggest enemy of the phone battery.

It is therefore important to turn on the adapter brightness in the display menu, which will help the phone adjust the screen brightness according to the environment.

Don't shorten the life of a smartphone
Don't shorten the life of a smartphone

Put it under your bed or pillow

Placing a sleeping phone under a pillow can also shorten its life due to the heat generated in the device.

There is also a risk of fire if your phone is charging or there is something wrong with it.

Leave the phone on the charging cable

Not removing your phone from the charger even when the battery is full can damage the battery, not that the phone will be overloaded, but the heat can damage the battery, especially if you’re charging cable is faulty. Be

Overnight charging

The idea of ​​a fully charged phone when you wake up in the morning may seem like a good idea, but leaving the device overnight for charging is harmful on a long-term basis.

The track charge continues even when the phone is fully charged, this extra charge forces the battery to work non-stop, preferably not to fully charge the lithium-ion battery as high voltage increases the pressure on the battery. And performance deteriorates over time.

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