Mohammad Siddique Musafer Sheed (A Black Sculler)
Mohammad Siddique Musafir Sheed. This person, who was born on April 1, 1879. was born in the small house of Sheedi Gulab in Tando Bago Tehsil. the coastal district of Badin, Sind, known as Mohammad Siddique Musafir.
His beginning was in Tando Bago and he was admitted to the Training School of Hyderabad for more education. Musafir Sheedi got a great place from his dedication and knowledge
Services of Sindhi Literature and Education.
he created a unique name in the second and third decades of the century. to work very well for the promotion of education. poetry, journalism, and Sindhi literature. They acquired a lot of benefits from their dignitaries.
including headwoman Akhund Abdul Rahim Haider Abadi. from whom he studied Persian and Mian Mohammad Fazl Shah. whom he had taught Arabic. The books written for Musafir Shadi's academic curriculum were studied in the Bombay Presidency.
for a period of time. on which they were awarded prizes and cash prizes by the Director of Public Instruction Bombay. When the same training school was college. the Musafir started its journalistic life.
The editorial editor of the Monthly "newspaper education" was handed over to him. which he even conveyed. Under this newspaper, these academic, literary, and researchers.
have played an important role in highlighting the educational consciousness of Sindh. as well as their efforts to promote Sindhi Nazaras. In 1919, Musafir Sheedi has also done journalism as editor of the Hindu newspaper "Brahmo Samaj".
in which he highlighted many aspects of social issues. In 1935, he used to earn a newspaper titled "Ledgateet" and also founded the Al Habish newspaper. Articles of both of these newspapers have their own specialty in the literature regarding social reform.
Musafir Sheedi has done a lot of work in particular for the literature of children. while the content of the first, second, and third levels. of the Sindhi curriculum is their very hard work. These books have been part of the Sindhi curriculum for a long time.
The Musafir has published more than two hundred and more books. most of which are now disadvantaged, apart from this. they also translated many translations of English and Persian literature which led to an increase in the Sindhi language.
Some of his books have different people. among them, flowers, princesses, Dewan Fazl, seven parts of Sindh's history. lesson snakes, headlines, freedom, and slavery. Etc. etc. In 1919, Musafir Sheedi established an English school in Tando Bago. with the help of Mir Ghulam Mohammad Tulip.
who found it as the third-largest high school in Sindh. it is different that he has not even named his school founder. The rest is the fact that the traveler is working hard on the day to make this school a high place.
In this way, many of his articles reveal the names of his name. the same as the inspiration of his two novels. which is called the novels of Sindhi literature. The Musafir Sheedi's literary feelings are inadmissible due to lack of support.
which today is incompatible with ignorant or ignorant literature. Even today, if they are tried, their lost and dissolve material can be published. This historian of Sindhi literature, after a long struggle. co-coerced this fascinating world on September 26, 1961.
Muhammad Sadiq Musfer was a simple and gentle-hearted Sheedi
(Black). He was faithful, honest, and unyielding. He spent his last days in
extreme poverty. He often sold his pen drafts for a few takas. At that time
many people bought these manuscripts and became writers.
Today's writers do not know what they have done for Sindhi
literature. These people cannot even say two words to the Siddiq Musafer, or
pay tribute to him. For the black people of Sindh, this person is a great path.
Which will always be remembered in history.