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Israel-Palestine News : how to achieve lasting peace?

Israel-Palestine News : how to achieve lasting peace?
Israel-Palestine News : how to achieve lasting peace?

 Israel-Palestine News : how to achieve lasting peace?


If Palestine is called the most unfortunate country in the world, there will be no doubt about it. Because the last century, the twentieth century, was the century of freedom in the whole world. All Asian countries and African countries broke the chains of slavery. Compared to them, free Palestine was enslaved again in 1949.

Under the umbrella of the United Nations, they gathered Jews from all over the world and established the Zionist state by evicting the Palestinians from their homeland and leaving their homes. and took refuge in refugee camps in neighboring countries such as Jordan, Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon, 75 years have passed since then, but the Palestinian liberation war continues, but sadly, they fight every time.

After that, Israel occupied the rest of their land. When the Palestinians drink the cup of death, they have to live in the darkness of slavery. They start their war of freedom and it continues. They are Again engaged in the war of freedom.

  This war is taking place on the Gaza border of Israel. The Palestinian nation not only attacked Israel within two days and targeted dozens of Jewish homes, but also took a large number of Jewish men, women, and children hostage. They were taken to Gaza and imprisoned, but how long will Hamas fight the army with the help of Hezbollah, an organization of Iran and Lebanon? On the one hand, the Israeli army is supported by the entire Western world from the United States. On the other hand, how long will the soldiers continue to fight with ordinary weapons? The current situation is that the Gaza Strip is under control. Hamas is surrounded by Israel on all sides and has blockaded Gaza in such a way that water and food cannot reach it at this time.

Since 2012, Israel has blockaded the Gaza Strip. A few years ago, the Israeli army banned the supply of water and food to the Gaza Strip. After that, women suffered from hunger and thirst in the Gaza Strip.

And children's food and drinks were discontinued. Hardly delivered. Not only that but Palestinians are being bombed every day in the densely populated area of the Gaza Strip. This was going on even before the latest attack by Hamas on Israel. And Palestinians were dying. The world is questioning Hamas as to why it attacked Israel, one should ask the questioner that under these circumstances Hamas had no choice but war.

The entire Palestinian population of the Gaza Strip will starve to death for water and food. Many buildings in the Gaza Strip have been buried in the ground. The US leadership will pass another resolution to avoid world condemnation. Arabs and other Palestinians Not long after the war ended in co

country after country the words of sympathy for Hamas

Israel-Palestine News : how to achieve lasting peace?
Israel-Palestine News : how to achieve lasting peace?

will run out and it will be, what is happening to the Palestinians? Never Yes, before starting the war, Hamas' aim was to remind the world once again that there can be no peace in the world without solving the Palestinian problem.


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