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Prime Minister Imran Khan's interview discussed international media


Prime Minister Imran Khan's interview discussed international media
Prime Minister Imran Khan's interview discussed international media

The Prime Minister's interview with the American is being discussed all over the world. All the international media channels and analysts are having heated discussions on the interview of the Pakistani Prime Minister.

 In an interview with a foreign channel, the Prime Minister also spoke on economic and social issues, including Afghanistan, Kashmir, and Corona. Prime Minister Imran Khan's interview was published in the Washington Post.

According to the Washington Post, the Pakistani prime minister said he would not support further military action in Afghanistan. "We want economic growth and increased trade," he said.

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According to the Washington Post, Imran Khan said, "We want an end to terrorism and stability in the region. We are negotiating for peace, not war."

"We did real diplomacy to bring the Taliban to the negotiating table. If the Afghan Taliban declared victory, it would lead to more bloodshed. Instead of blaming Pakistan, the Afghan government should negotiate," he said. I must be lenient. "

Imran Khan said that economic relations and regional trade is important for stability in Afghanistan, further military action in Afghanistan is meaningless.

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The Pakistani Prime Minister said that Pakistan and the United States have a common interest in Afghanistan. If the US can't win the Afghan war even after 20 years, what will it do with the airbase?

Imran Khan said that if the United States was given a place, Pakistan would once again be a target of terrorists. The war displaced half the population of the tribal areas. The United States has pressured Pakistan to send troops to the tribal areas.

According to the Pakistani Prime Minister, I have always said that there is no military solution to the Afghan problem, the United States cannot win the war with drone strikes, but the hatred against it has definitely increased.

The Prime Minister said that tourism and investment in Pakistan have come to a standstill. After the US joined the war, Pakistan became a victim of terrorism. The United States provided only 20 20 billion in aid to the Afghan war. The Afghan war cost the Pakistani economy 1.5 billion rupees.

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Imran Khan said that history has proved that Afghanistan can never be controlled from the outside. We will work with whoever brings confidence to the Afghan people. Together with the parties fighting the Afghan war, Pakistan made a mistake. Will not support-

In a recent interview with Prime Minister Imran Khan, he flatly refused to provide bases to the United States. He said that under no circumstances would he allow his land to be used for the war in Afghanistan. Now we do not want to be part of any confrontation because Pakistan has suffered the most in this war. 70,000 of our people fought this war

Martyr for a reason. There are currently 3 million Afghan refugees in Pakistan. No country has made more sacrifices than Pakistan.


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